28th Nordic Medical History Congress
Connections, Exchanges, Collegiality
The Finnish Medico-Historical Society welcomes you to the 28th Nordic Medical History Congress in Helsinki 30.5.–2.6.2023. The Helsinki event is the 28th congress in a series that begun in Copenhagen in 1967. The congress series is the central form of scientific co-operation in the Nordic countries in the field of medical history. The congress is held biannually in one of the Nordic countries. The Helsinki event was originally scheduled to take place in 2021 but had to be postponed because of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, our society is now glad to finally invite you to join us in Helsinki, after this prolonged hiatus in international exchanges!
The theme of the 28th Nordic Medical History Congress is Connections, Exchanges, Collegiality. With this, we hope to encourage discussions on cooperation, networks, and shared aspirations in the history of medicine, health, medical science, and diseases. The aim is to bring forth examples of people who have worked together, formed professional and private bonds, and shared information and experiences across borders and divides, whether these be geographical, professional, or something else. We hope to highlight various forms of co-operation instead of the rivalry, competition, and conflicts that so often tend to be underlined in medical history.
Our congress is multi- and interdisciplinary. This means that scholars from diverse backgrounds are welcome; they may represent humanist as well as natural sciences. We wish to create a truly multidisciplinary and encouraging atmosphere, characterised by collegiality and mutual respect. The presentations may concentrate on any time period and area. While the congress does have an emphasis on the Nordic region, scholars from other countries and continents are welcome. It is also important to note that topics such as medicine, health, and diseases are not limited to humans – contributions may also focus on non-human animals, plants, and ecosystems.
See you in Helsinki!

Congress Registration

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Congress Program

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Important Dates
Late abstract submission deadline:
March 31st 2023
Registration begins:
Registration open now!

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House of Sciences and Letters